Jiddish music, humour and a tickle of jazz
Here the meaning of Klezmer is expanded by quite a few new facets, and astonishingly one realizes that the mixture of Klezmer-Jazz, Latin and other musical elements from all over the world touches and delights you so much unlike any other elements of this kind before. It is as simple and natural as any great art.
Professor Tiago de Oliveira Pinto, Chairman UNESCO "Transcultural Cultural Music Studies", University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar
In their new album "Shein Vi Di L'Vone" Playin' Tachles uncover yet again most wonderful Klezmer treasures, as always with new highlights of musical sensuality.
Dr. Eva-Maria v. Adam-Schmidmeier, musicologist and journalist, Berlin
Playin' Tachles create a unique arc of artistic arrangements of well-known classics with highly individual but nonetheless timeless sounds.
Watch out for this new young Klezmer band.
Florian A. Arnold, art journalist
"Münchner Merkur" 2017
Masel Tov mit Playin' Tachles
"The five virtuoso artists from Germany and Switzerland have devoted themselves to traditional Jiddish and Hebraic music. Fischer-Berlinger,
the gifted singer, can rightly be called the soul of the ensemble. With anecdotes, jokes, proverbs of the Jiddish language and a playful smile she accompanies the audience into Jewish mentality."
Julia Jester "Volksstimme" 2016
enthusiastic applause in the appropriate atmosphere of the Palazzo Theatre. The band played at a high muical level and presented their arrangements with sensitivity but also in vigorous speeds, Gabriele Fischer-Berlinger was not only a fascinating singer but also a charming presenter.
A Tickle of Jazz, Klezmer and World Music were mixed with aphorisms, songs, and instrumental pieces of the Hebraic and Jewish custom. Brilliant pianist Christian Gutfleisch did the arrangements. His multi-faceted playing gave the evening its splendour, and so did Christoph Gisin as virtuoso multi-instrumentalist on flugelhorn, trumpet, hang, and percussion. Dominik Schürmann delighted the audience with his pointed bass solos, and drummer Johannes Gutfleisch provided a driving rhythm.
After the concert, or when listening to a newly-bought CD, the subtle improvisation over well-known Klezmer standards such as Rad Halaila and Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen will reverberate in the memories as an experience of a music that is still alive.
Lorenz Keiser - Swiss cabaretist 2016
Playin' Tachles play a kind of music that changes unexpectedly from melancholy and yearning to charm and witticisms - virtuoso musical performance, beautiful singing.
"Augsburger Allgemeine" 2016
A programme of unique diversity, a combination of unforgettable Jiddish music and subtle humour.