Jiddish music, humour and a tickle of jazz
Weltmusik Jazz, humor, klezmer, weltmusik,Basel
"Shein Vi Di L'Vone" - "Beautiful as the Moon"
Through our dreams we like to escape this world with so many questions and unsolved problems . Shein..., beautiful as the moon, are the songs and lyrics of Playing Tachles' new programme. Once again the extraordinary ensemble sets out for new musical shores, draws the
listener deep towards Jewish culture , which is so rich in emotions and stories. Without great effort the musicians and their arrangements
enter the heart of the listener as in an embrance. A"Cajoodoo" replies with a funky rhythm, the hang (swiss percussion instrument) brings sensitive sounds into the passionate Klezmer dance. Works of the traditional Klezmer music such as "Rad Halaila" and "Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen" that have been passed down for generations are presented in a new sound. Dreams, however, do not only lead us away from the earth but also to those we love, and to all the things we appretiate and want to keep. This is the essence of this new programme.
What we experience by PT is the life-affirming essence of Klezmer, the joy of life - just because there is always grief and loss. The infinite
colours of sound from Jazz,Gipsy, Balkan and the South Seas mix logically into the impressions from texts, anecdotes and typical Jewish humour, which Gabriele Fischer-Berlinger knows to present in an inimitable way. With Shein Vi Di L'Vone" the Basle-based group combines the influences of many cultures to a danceable, effervescent and lively sound that makes us dream with an alert mind.
Neele Pfleiderer | vocal/text
Christoph Gisin | trumpet/bugle/handpan/percussion
Yuri Storione | piano
Roberto Koch | doublebass
Johannes Gutfleisch | drums & percussion